Safety Management


Occupational Safety Guidelines

At Renewable Grid, we believe in a safe work environment for everyone, no matter the project. We put safety at the forefront of our project planning and execution, and ensure our team is trained on proper safety procedures. Safety is one of our top priorities, and we remain compliant with all client safety requirements and regulations in addition to the international OHSAS 180001:2007 Safety standard.

Our team follows requirements laid out in OHSAS 18001:2007, the highest standard for Occupational
Health & Safety and its requirements for the following:

  • Creating awareness for prevention of injury and ill health within our project teams.
  • Driving consistent improvement in OH&S Safety Management.
  • Driving consistent improvement in OH&S Safety Management performance.
  • Achieving compliance with applicable legal regulations.

By adhering to these standards and putting our team through regular safety trainings, we reduce workplace accidents and maintain a safe, secure work environment for everyone.

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